Our school breakfast club runs from 7:30am each morning. If you wish your child to attend, please collect a registration form from the School Office.
These forms need to be given to the Breakfast Club staff on the first day of attending.
From September 2024, the cost to attend Breakfast Club will be £4 per pupil, per day.
Payment for attending breakfast club is made through ParentPay.
After School Club
We aim to provide a high quality after school provision that gives the children opportunities to continue to thrive both academically and socially. We will offer staff who will motivate and encourage the children in a range of stimulating and creative activities in a safe environment. We are fully committed to working in partnership with parents/carers for the best for the children.
School Vision
We value each individual and aspire to create a family through a culture of care. Crownfield strives to be an environment where children feel safe, supported, and listened to. We aim to provide positive role models, fostering key skills for life: confidence, resilience, empathy, communication, independence, and curiosity through inspiring teaching. Our vision is to raise student’s aspirations by motivating them to discover their passion and ‘dream big’ to expand their horizons. Our children will be equipped to continue their journey towards becoming respectful adults, who embrace diversity and make positive contributions to their community and beyond.
The After School Provision runs from 3.15 until 6pm, Monday to Friday during term time. Parents must ensure that their children are collected by 6pm at the very latest. Parents will be expected to let the staff know in advance at the times they are collecting their child. Any late collections will lead to a possible termination of the service to your child and a further payment made for the extra time. If a child is not collected before a reasonable time then outside agencies, such as the Police or Social Services, may be contacted to refer children/families causing a concern.
The cost is £13 per day regardless of the times the children attend. This will need to be paid at least 4 weeks in advance, using Parent Pay. No child will be able to stay if payment has not been received in advance. If your child is unable to attend after booking, e.g. sickness, the money cannot be refunded. If the school is closed for unforeseen reasons (for example: snow closures), money paid for the school closure days will be credited for a different day of the After School Provision, specified by the parent/carer.
For children who currently attend Crownfield Infants School, payment can only be made via the account details below:
Account Details
Account Name: Learning and Achieving Federation
Account No: 04037327
Sort Code: 30-97-13
The same conditions apply as those paying via Parent Pay.
We will be approachable at all times and share with you positive experiences regarding your child as well as any concerns. We will also take on board any suggestions you may have to make the provision even better and if we can, incorporate them. We expect that you treat the staff with respect at all times.
Contacting the staff after school (3.15pm onwards) will be via a school mobile number 07444842931.
During the day, if you have any questions or need to tell us anything, you will use the school’s main number of 01708 747070 and the office staff will be happy to help.
Ad Hoc Sessions
Ad- hoc sessions are available to be booked subject to availability. Requests for ad hoc sessions can be emailed to finance@crownfieldjunior.co.uk, however if the request is for a session less than 48 hours in advance, then a request via telephone will need to be made by calling 01708 747070 to arrange. Payments for ad hoc sessions must be made via Parent Pay prior to the child attending on the day. On the first time of using this service, parents will be expected to complete the online application form and sign the declaration.
What is Provided
The children will follow a set routine every day. This will include: time for supported homework including reading with your child, TTRockstars, use of Google Classroom, etc: time for a staff led physical activity (both inside and outside) as well as some free time: creative and problem solving activities: healthy snacks which the children may help to prepare; and other fun things too!
The Staff
The staff all currently working at Crownfield Junior School as LSAs and therefore are very experienced and are likely to know your child. They hold current DBS, are trained in safeguarding and most are qualified first aiders
The children will be expected to follow instructions and the school Behaviour Policy will be followed. If a child makes a wrong choice, a reflective approach will be used to learn from their choice but any further incidents may lead to a child ceasing to attend. All of the staff are experienced in the school policy. We aim to provide a positive ethos at all times and share good news with parents.
If you have a complaint about the After School Provision, please refer to the Complaints Policy, which is available on the school website: https://www.learningandachievingfederation.co.uk/key-information/shared-policies
The staff will be working in teams and on a rota basis (week on, week off). Any staff absence will be covered by another member of the After School Provision team. Working times are 3.15 until 6pm. Staff will be entitled to a 10 minute break during the session on an individual basis.
It is the staff responsibility to maintain the registers and make enquiries both with the school office and/or parents/carers if the expected children are not there or a child is there unexpectedly. This will be a paper copy (in case of emergency) and on Google Drive. It is the school office responsibility to inform the After School Provision of any changes to the expected register on any given day.
Personal Details
The personal details and needs (dietary, medical etc) will be held in a secure area of Google Drive and it is the staff’s responsibility to check and update these regularly and when needed. All details will be held as confidential and any sharing of said information could lead to disciplinary action.
The After School Provision Staff be approachable at all times to parents/carers and share positive experiences regarding the children as well as any concerns. They will also take on board any suggestions parents/carers may have to make the provision even better and if they can, incorporate them.
Staff will always use the mobile phone provided to contact parents/carers and not their own personal phones. This is for their own safety.
The After School Provision staff will ensure that they keep SLT and the office updated of any major changes made for effective communication with parents and carers.
Collection of children
Crownfield Junior children who are attending the provision will be expected to make their own way to the studio hall. One member of staff will collect any Crownfield Infant children at 3.15 from their reception area. The After School Provision team will be responsible for informing class teachers and the Infants of the children attending.
It will be the responsibility of the staff to ensure that the adult collecting a child at the end of the session, is one named on the application form. They will question the adult arriving if they have not seen them before and make suitable enquiries via phone with a parent before releasing the child.
Each team will have a qualified First Aider who will be responsible for a child who may become ill or hurt themselves. A first aid kit, sick bowls etc will be available in the studio hall. If a child needs emergency treatment or needs to go home earlier, parents will be contacted.
All After School Provision staff must be regularly updated in safeguarding training. If a child makes a disclosure or says something that concerns, a member of the DSL team must be contacted before the child goes home. All staff must use CPOMS to record incidents as soon as possible.
Staff are expected to follow the school Behaviour Policy and expectations are that children follow instructions at all times. There should be a positive ethos at all times and praise/rewards given to celebrate successes. Any wrong choices should be reflected upon. Any negative incidents should be entered on CPOMS as soon as possible and parents/carers informed at the end of the session.
The staff will support the children with their homework by e.g. reading with them, helping with spellings, having devices for TTRockstars and Google Classroom and any paperwork given.
They will also ensure that the children have a range of creative, problem solving and physical activities as well as some time to relax.
Staff will ensure that the environment is as welcoming as possible. Equipment will be stored away and the hall left clean and tidy. Children’s work will be displayed and shared with parents/carers both face to face and via social media.
Healthy Snacks
The staff are responsible for the ordering of foods via the Finance Assistant) to make healthy snacks (with the children if possible). They must check for any allergies and cultural preferences of the children.
This policy has been written to ensure that the organisation and expectations of all those involved (staff and parent/carers) are clear and transparent. That the After School Provision is a safe environment where children are motivated, engaged and safe.
This policy will be updated annually or sooner if required. It will be shared with parents/carers and available on the school website.
Gill Horne
January 2023, amended March 2023