Khalsa Schoolwear
To purchase uniform, please use this link
To purchase uniform, please use this link



It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school or when  participating in PE lessons and other school organised events outside normal school hours as  required. 


All children wear the school's uniform as described below:

Winter Uniform (worn between September and Easter):

Boys: Crownfield Junior School jumper, white shirt, black trousers, House tie, plain black school shoes/trainers.

Girls: Crownfield Junior School cardigan, white blouse, black trousers/skirt, House tie, plain black school shoes/trainers.

Summer Uniform (worn after Easter until July):

Boys: black school shorts, plain white polo shirt/short sleeve white shirt (no tie).

Girls: green/purple gingham school dress/plain white polo shirt/short sheeve white shirt no tie).

Aims and objectives  

Our policy on school uniform is based on the notion that school uniform:  

  • is designed with health and safety in mind  
  • promotes a sense of pride in the school 
  • engenders a sense of community and belonging towards the school  
  • is practical and smart and encourages self pride  
  • identifies the children within the school  
  • prevents children from coming to school in fashion clothes that could be distracting in  class  
  • makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance  
  • is regarded as suitable wear for school and good value for money by most parents 
  • is conducive to good educational practice  

To ensure that these aims are realised, the Head teacher retains overall responsibility for  assessing the appropriateness of individual items of clothing and hair style. 


One simple plain round stud is allowed in each ear lobe; nothing sparkly please. No jewellery  whatsoever is allowed during PE lessons; children must not have their ears pierced if it will prevent  them from taking part in these lessons; we do not allow ears recently pierced to be covered in  tape as the most recent Health and Safety guidance does not promote it. Children are allowed to  wear a sensible watch (no Smart Watches). No other jewellery is allowed unless for religious  reasons (such as bracelets).  If a child wears any jewellery that is not permitted, they will need to remove it straight away and it will be looked after until the end of the day by their class teacher.


Hair and makeup 

For reasons of safety and personal hygiene, long hair should be tied back with simple hair  accessories especially for PE and lessons such as Science, Cookery and Art/DT which may have activities where loose hair is a potential hazard. The school does not permit children to have ‘extreme’ haircuts, hair braids etc. as  these could serve as a distraction to other children or lead to ridicule. Children should not wear  any form of make-up in school, including nail varnish. Pupils seen wearing make-up will be sent  to the toilets to remove it. Any child wearing false nails will not be allowed in the playground or to  participate in PE lessons until they are removed. Parents/guardians will be contacted if this  happens. 



Children will need a  bag for their day to day belongings, books, homework and equipment.  Children may bring in their own bags (generally rucksack style) but they need to be small enough to fit into a  locker.  



All children should wear plain black shoes with a sensible heel or plain black trainers to school (no coloured logos, stripes etc.). Shoes made out of material that is not waterproof are not suitable. We advise  that shoes have laces or straps for secure wearing as slip-ons can be dangerous in the  playground. If children wear trainers on a daily basis, they must have a different pair for PE lessons. Boots above the ankle are not permitted. 



Children will wear their official school PE kit  of purple polo top and green shorts to school on their PE days. They can also wear a plain black/navy blue tracksuit over the top if needed.This prevents changing in school and allows more time for the lesson.  Children should wear different trainers for PE if they wear plain black ones for school every day.


Non-Uniform Days

We occasionally have fund-raising/fun days when pupils are allowed to attend school without uniform. We request that clothes worn are suitable for a school environment: shorts/skirts should be of a suitable length and age appropriate. Any tops with slogans should be acceptable for the ages of the children and no crop tops.  Sandals are not allowed.


The role of parents/carers 

We ask all parents/carers who send their children to our school to support the school uniform  policy and this forms an important element of our Home School Agreement. We believe that  parents/carers have a duty to send their children to school correctly dressed and ready for their  daily schoolwork. One of the responsibilities of parents/carers is to ensure that their child has the  correct uniform, that it is clean, in good repair and labelled with their child’s name. Requests for  modifications to the uniform policy may only be considered by the Headteacher. The school  welcomes children from all backgrounds and faith communities. If there are serious reasons, for  example on religious grounds, why parents want their child to wear clothes that differ from the  school uniform, then the Headteacher will consider any such requests.  


Inappropriate uniform 

In the event of children not adhering to the school uniform policy, a standard letter should be issued  to the appropriate parent from the class teacher. See appendix B and C. Children will not be allowed to participate in  certain activities until they are in full compliance with the uniform policy if this causes a Health  and Safety concern (e.g. wearing shoes for PE). Parents will be given one week to ensure  compliance with the uniform policy, after which time further direct dialogue or action may be  necessary. 


Lost items of clothing  

The school will not replace items of school uniform that are lost. The school does have a lost  property area where children are welcome to look to find lost items of clothing. The school  may offer items in replacement from this area. Lost property will also be available to look through at Parents Evenings, in the hall. At the end of each term, any unnamed uniform that is in lost property will be offered to parents/guardians as part of our Preloved Shop.


Preloved Shop

The school has a Preloved Uniform Shop that will be available to parents on a regular basis.  They will be able to make a donation, swap or take items that have been donated or have been left in lost property for over a term and are unnamed.


The role of Governors  

The Governing Body supports the Head teacher in implementing the school uniform policy and  liaises with the Head teacher to ensure that the policy is implemented fairly and with sensitivity. It  is the Governors’ responsibility to ensure that the school uniform meets all regulations concerning  equal opportunities. Governors ensure that the school uniform policy helps children to dress  appropriately, in clothing that is hard wearing, safe and practical. 



This policy will be reviewed annually or when required if earlier. 

Gill Horne 

September 2022