Home School Support


My name is Kelly Spiers.  One of my roles is to build strong links between you, your child and the school and I can :-

  • Work with families and pupils where issues may be affecting their child’s schooling.
  • Offer a mentoring service  to your child
  • Offer support to families with worries or anxieties they may have at home ( for example letter writing, accompanying  parents to appointments etc ).

We can offer a range of support and advice to parents, carers and families in many areas including :-

  • Family Relationships
  • Children’s behaviour in school and at home
  • Attendance and punctuality
  • Domestic Violence
  • Encouraging  parents  who feel reluctant to engage with the school
  • Housing  matters ( to pass you to the right people )
  • Parenting courses
  • General support / General advice

If you have an issue that is worrying you, I may be able to help. I can meet you in school or come to your home if you prefer. All of our work is dealt within  the strictest confidence.

Should you wish to talk to me you can either ring the school on
01708 747070 Option 4

Alternatively you can email me on kspiers@crownfieldjunior.co.uk.


Please post any suggestions/ideas that you would like us to look at.

Please remember our school wants the best for your child.

Please pop into see our Home School Support Worker – Ms Spiers if you have any concerns or ideas.

Please speak to the office if you would like an appointment to see your child’s teacher or a member of the leadership team.

Thank you

Anxiety explained for parents.pdf .pdf
CAMHS parent help.pdf .pdf