Financial Benchmarking

All schools are required to publish a link from their own websites to the DfE schools financial benchmarking website. 

The financial benchmarking website is already in the public domain. The link is below:

Learning and Achieving Federation Financial Benchmarking

Transparency when it comes to reporting high pay for school staff.

All LA maintained schools are required to publish annually on their websites the number of individuals earning over £100K in £10K bandings. 

There is one member of staff in the Federation, with a salary band earning over £100k.

Financial Benchmarking

All schools are required to publish a link from their own websites to the DfE schools financial benchmarking website. 

The financial benchmarking website is already in the public domain. The link is below:

Learning and Achieving Federation Financial Benchmarking

Transparency when it comes to reporting high pay for school staff.

All LA maintained schools are required to publish annually on their websites the number of individuals earning over £100K in £10K bandings. 

There is one member of staff in the Federation, with a salary band earning over £100k.